The SBTB Daily: Don’t Miss A Thing!

You won't miss any Reviews Books on Sale Help a Bitch Out Cover Snark Giveaways Rec Leagues Fun and Mayhem if you join the SBTB Daily NewsletterHere at SBTB HQ, we hope the site remains a bright spot of hilarity and recommendation in your day. Blogs and free websites in general are a slowly disappearing medium, and we’re very proud to still be here, hanging out with y’all. Building a robust newsletter list of people who want to read everything (Hi!) is part of staying alive.

Sorry that song is stuck in your head now.

Anypoodle, we post ebook sales every day, along with weekly features like cover snark, recommendations, HaBOs, and more.

We just posted our latest and because these collections of new releases are so popular, we’ve made them a weekly feature every Tuesday!

If you don’t want to miss a single edition of cover snark, where the wolves in the background remain very confused, or the latest Hide Your Wallet, we understand completely.

You can sign up for the SBTB Daily Digest – our once-a-day (hence: daily) newsletter that emails the newest content every day (see? daily!).

I set up the SBTB Daily so that you receive the newest content, and you get the entire post – no excerpts. And each issue includes all the latest books on sale posts, too!

If you’d like to make sure you don’t miss a review, a cover snark, a Help a Bitch Out, Rec League, giveaways or any of the other silliness and critical discussion around here, you can sign up for the SBTB Daily Digest right here.

You are invited - Join the SBTB Daily Newsletter! At the bottom is a small international border envelope with a picture of the Ladies inside

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