Whatcha Reading? August 2023, Part Two

Scenic summer sunset view of Nyhavn pier with color buildings, ships, yachts and other boats in the Old Town of Copenhagen, DenmarkWelcome back to Whatcha Reading! It’s our last one for August.

Here’s what we’re capping off the month with:

Lara: I’m more forgiving when comes to rereading books from the keeper shelf, especially when they divert from my current tastes. Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder has more violence in it than I usually like now, some asshole behavior from the male lead, and less focus on the romance, but I adore this book. And rereading it always brings me joy.

Sarah: I am reading Lavender’s Blue, ( A | BN | K ) the new Jennifer Cruise (!!!) And Bob Mayer mystery. I can’t quite articulate what I think yet. In some ways my brain feels like I am putting on clothing from two jobs ago that fit but is strange and familiar at the same time.

Shana: I just started Praise by Sara Cate, ( A | BN ) an erotic romance where the heroine gets together with her asshole ex boyfriend’s hot dad. It came highly recommend as an age gap romance that will convert me into loving the trope. We will see.

Elyse: I just started Fourth Wing ( A | BN | K ) to see if it lives up to the hype.

Whatcha reading, everyone? Let us know in the comments!

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